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Slow significado en español

Slow significado en español

slow adjetivo— · lento adj m (lenta f sing, lentos m pl, lentas f pl) · pausado adj m. slow · 1. (no rápido). lento. a. lento · 2. (perdiendo tiempo). a. atrasado (reloj). The clock is two minutes slow. · 3. (mentalmente lento). a. torpe. Yanina's. slow {adjetivo} ; atrasada ; cachazudo · [coloq.] ; calmoso · (lento) ; demorón · [AmS.] [coloq.] ; demoroso · [Bol.] (persona).

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Significado de "slow" en el diccionario de inglés

Haz clic en las flechas para invertir el sentido de la traducción. I know I'm drinking myself to a slow death, but then I'm in no hurry. Beth Slow significado en español, Julie Kaufmann, Esa es la pregunta.

Slow significado en español
Slow significado en español
Slow significado en español
Slow significado en español
Slow significado en español

Paying attention and listening intently: talking about concentration. Add to word list Add to word list. A1 moving , happening , or doing something without much speed :. She's a very slow eater. We're making slow but steady progress with the painting. Business is always slow during those months because everyone's on holiday.

Our progress has been fairly slow so far , but it's early days. His movements were slow and awkward. It was a painfully slow journey. She's a very slow walker. Terry was, as usual , slow to respond. Slow and moving slowly. B2 used to describe a film , book , play , etc. His films are so slow they send me to sleep. Tedious and uninspiring. A person might be described as slow if they are not very clever and do not understand or notice things quickly :. I feel so slow when I'm with Andrew - he's so much brighter than me.

Traducción de "slow" en español

Ver también slow-witted. Stupid and silly. If a clock or watch is slow, it shows a time that is earlier than the real time :. That clock is ten minutes slow. Measurements of temperature. Ver también as slow as molasses. Palabra relacionada slowness. C2 to reduce speed or activity , or to make something do this:.

Business development has slowed in response to the recession. The pilot was asked to slow his approach to the runway. Manufacturing activity slowed for the fourth consecutive month in November. Economic growth has slowed sharply in recent months. Her illness has slowed her somewhat. The economy has slowed enough for some analysts to predict a recession. The early evening rush hour slowed my return to Richmond Road. Increasing and decreasing speed of motion.

Slow significado en español

Expresiones slow someone's roll. I can't walk any slower. I can't keep up. He was far too slow to catch me. We were slow to understand how we could use computers in our work. A clock or watch that is slow shows a time that is earlier than the correct time. A person who is slow does not understand or learn things quickly :. The medication took effect slowly. Verbo frasal slow down something. Growth in this sector has been slower than predicted.

Despite a rather slow start , the month ended well. The slow pace of recovery in the labor market could not be denied. Business is always slow during summer vacation. The market is slowing to some extent. Economic growth is expected to slow. Their aim is to slow inflation in the housing market. Several unexpected problems slowed progress on the project.

Traducciones de slow en chino tradicional. Herramienta de traducción. Buscar slovenliness. Blog Paying attention and listening intently: talking about concentration March 20, March 25, Volver al principio.

Slow significado en español

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