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Javier sánchez de felipe

Javier sánchez de felipe

Javier Sánchez de Felipe (Getafe, Madrid, 14 de marzo de ), más conocido simplemente como Javi Sánchez, es un futbolista español que juega como defensa. Javier Sánchez de Felipe (born 14 March ) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays a centre-back for Segunda División club Real Valladolid. Javi Sánchez, 26, España ➤ Real Valladolid CF, desde ➤ Defensa central ➤ Valor de mercado: 2,00 mill. € ➤ * 14/03/ en Getafe.

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JAVIer SANCHEZ de Felipe

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Javier sánchez de felipe
Javier sánchez de felipe
Javier sánchez de felipe
Javier sánchez de felipe
Javier sánchez de felipe

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Ficha de Javi Sánchez

Journal of sports sciences 33 16 , , Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte. Journal of Sports Sciences 38 13 , , International journal of environmental research and public health 17 18 , , The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness 56 4 , , Articles 1—20 Show more.

Privacy Terms Help. About Scholar Search help. Optimal reactive strength index: is it an accurate variable to optimize plyometric training effects on measures of physical fitness in young soccer players? Efectos de un entrenamiento con juegos reducidos sobre la técnica y la condición física de jóvenes futbolistas. Sensors 19 19 , , Annals of vascular surgery 15 6 , , PloS one 13 8 , e , Scientific Reports 8 1 , , Effects of different post-activation potentiation warm-ups on repeated sprint ability in soccer players from different competitive levels J Sanchez-Sanchez, A Rodriguez, C Petisco, R Ramirez-Campillo, Journal of Human Kinetics 61 1 , , PloS one 9 10 , e , Physical Review D 98 9 , , Effects of seven weeks of static hamstring stretching on flexibility and sprint performance in young soccer players according to their playing position.

Javier sánchez de felipe

Javier sánchez de felipe

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